Click the red sign-up button under each camp description. Please scroll to the bottom to see our most recent camp offerings.
Sessions: Select Camps are available as a half day 9am-Noon or Noon - 3 pm) or full day (9am-3pm) (the Florida Glass Art camp is a full day only 9am-3pm) Monday through Thursday (except for the week of July 4th) and include all materials. Please check your camp's individual time offerings. New: All camps will be held at varying mobile locations with our partners- details provided with registration. Most camps are in the Sodo/Edgewood area.)
Session 1 June 2 - 5 (M-Th).
9am-12pm, 12 pm - 3 or full day (9am - 3 pm)
Location: Cypress Grove Park
Instructors: Kris Finn and Ami Perez
Get ready to celebrate your HP fandom in themed art! Miniature Honeydukes shop, potion making, dragon sculptures, Harry Potter follies, lighted owl paintings, wand making, HP jewelry, games and prizes, owl post, snacks, house cup competition and much more! Class is taught by 2 certified K - 12 art teachers (and certified Harry Potter Fans). Mrs. Ami Perez (Hufflepuff) from Blankner School will be our guest instructor! Please come prepared knowing your house and patronus. We add new experiences and projects each year!
Suggested for Age 8 - 15
$140 (Early 8am drop off available for $30 additional) for 1/2 day
$260 for full day (9am - 3pm)
Session 2 June 9 - 12 (M-Th)
9am-12pm, 12 pm - 3pm or full day (9am - 3pm)
Location: Cypress Grove Park
Instructors: Kris Finn
Get ready to celebrate your HP fandom in themed art! Mini Forbidden Forest, mandrake sculptures, magical Herbology, fortune telling, Deathly Hallows ornaments, wand making, spell books, HP jewelry, games and prizes, owl post, snacks, house cup competition and much more! Class is taught by 2 certified K - 12 art teachers (and certified Harry Potter Fans). Please come prepared knowing your house and patronus. We add new experiences and projects each year!
Suggested for Age 7 - 15
Fees: $140 for half day (Early 8am drop off available for $30 additional). Choose from 9am - 12pm or 12pm - 3pm
$260 for full day (9am - 3pm)
Art Glass Summer Camps-2 Sessions!
Session 1 June 16 - 19
Session 2 June 23-26
9am - 3pm (M-Th)
Location: Florida Glass House
Instructors: Kris Finn, Kristen and Thomas Mussolino
MORNINGS: Students will create GLASS MOSIAC PIECES on the ART BUS mobile studio, learn to piece and grout, and create mosaic jewelry, along with fantasy items including dragon sculptures, lighted canvas paintings and fantasy miniature items! Themed activities and more!
AFTERNOONS: Students will be treated to an exclusive GLASS FUSING CLASS where they will be able to create their own beautiful piece(s) of glass art! Students and parents will also have the opportunity to watch a glass blowing demonstration with a master artist on Thursday afternoon.
Suggested for Age 8 -16
No early drop off or late pick up is available for this camp
Private camps week! Please contact me to check availability and schedule your private group of up to 16 artists at your location!
Instructor: Kris Finn
or email me at
Schedule your group up to 16 students for a private morning or afternoon art camp with the theme of your choice!
Ages 5 - 12 suggested
$140 (Early 8am drop off available for $30 additional) for 1/2 day
$260 for full day (9am - 4pm)
Date TBD(M-Th)
Location to be announced soon!
9am-12pm, 12-3 pm or full day
Instructor: Kris Finn
Learn the basics of painting various types of images on canvas and paper using acrylic, watercolor and mixed media. Learn techniques to paint animals (feel free to bring a pet photo if you like), landscapes and portraits - students will learn basic brush techniques and ways to use media effectively. Images will be provided but may be brought in. Class is taught by a certified K-12 art teacher.
Suggested for ages 8 - 15
Fee: $140 (Early 8am drop off available for $30 additional) for 1/2 day)
$260 for full day (9am - 3pm)
July 7-10 (M-Th)
9 am-12 pm, 1 - 4 pm or full day
Instructors: Kris Finn
Location to be announced soon!
Looking to make some art to brighten up your space? Learn some fun ways to create big, quick abstracts on canvas and other media using non-traditional tools: hydrodipping, roller painting, flow painting, stencilling, mixed media and unusual paint tools. Class is taught by a certified K -12 art teacher.
Suggested for ages 8-15
$140 half day (Early 8am drop off available for $30)
$260 for full day (9am - 4pm)
July 21 - 24 (M - Th).
9am-12pm, 1-4 pm or full day (9am - 4 pm)
Location to be announced soon!
Instructor: Kris Finn
Learn the basics of needle felting, embroidery, and basketmaking. Students will be making felted animals and framed work, yarn baskets and embroidered tapestries and jewelry.
Ages 8 - 15 suggested
$140 (Early 8am drop off available for $30 additional) for 1/2 day
$260 for full day (9am - 4pm)